Introduction to newLISP (WikiBooks)

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Introduction to newLISP (WikiBooks)

NewLISP combines parts of the strength and elegance of traditional LISP with the features of a contemporary scripting language, such as regular expressions, network functions, Unicode support, multitasking, and many others.

You'll find newLISP to be both simple to learn and powerful. This book provides a clear and concise explanation of the language's fundamentals.

A Windows DLL (dynamic link library) called newLISP.dll has been created from the newLISP compiler. You can utilize newLISP in your VisualNeo Win GUI application builder thanks to a free VisualNeo Win plugin created by Hans Peter Wickern.

  1. shorter and more efficient code, e.g. by combining functions in one command
  2. in many cases, faster performance, e.g. in the case of nested loops
  3. more than 350 built functions
  4. functions can be combined in one command
  5. great use of regular expressions
  6. VisualNeo applications with newLISP run fine and fast under Wine/Linux (in contrast to VBScript, which often crashes)
  7. newLISP is very well tested, so bugs will be rare.

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