Free Discrete and Finite Mathematics Books & Tutorials. Read online or download these free Discrete and Finite Mathematics eBooks, lecture notes & tutorials.
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Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (Giacomo Bonanno, et al)
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The Foundations of Game Theory and Decision Making Logic The present collection provides a vibrant and comprehensive overview of a fascinating and quickly developing field, and theory is a key venue for presenting research at the confluence of logic,...
An Architecture for Combinator Graph Reduction (Philip J. Koopman, Jr.)
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The outcomes of research using an abstract machine and cache simulation for decreasing combinator graphs are provided. For similar types of combinator graphs on comparable types of hardware, the abstract machine known as TIGRE displays reduction rates that compare...
Applied Combinatorics on Words (M. Lothaire)
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This volume's goal is to provide a comprehensive analysis of some of the main areas in which combinatorics is applied. Core algorithms for text processing, natural language processing, audio processing, bioinformatics, and a number of applications of mathematics, including...
A = B (Marko Petkovsek, et al)
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Mathematicians and computer scientists who deal on combinatorics and finite mathematics will find this book interesting. It offers a ground-breaking approach to examining intricate summaries.  
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You might think of this open-source book as a lesson and a collection of notes on convex sets, polytopes, polyhedra, combinatorial topology, Voronoi Diagrams, and Delaunay triangulations. It is written with a large readership of mathematically interested people in...
Mathematics for Algorithm and Systems Analysis: For students of computer and computational science (Edward A. Bender, et al)
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This current free guide helps undergraduates learn the concepts and mathematical language to address issues that emerge in the field's many applications.  
Algebraic Combinatorics on Words (M. Lothaire)
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Word-based combinatorics has independently developed within a variety of fields of mathematics, including number theory, group theory, and probability. It also commonly shows up in issues pertaining to theoretical computer technology.  
An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd Edition (Robert Sedgewick, et al)
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The book's comprehensive, self-contained coverage will give readers the knowledge they need to stay up to date on new research as well as help them understand the difficulties facing the field. Advanced results are covered in the authors' monograph...
Algorithms and Data Structures (Niklaus Wirth)
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A new edition of the classic book Algorithms + Data Structure = Programs by Niklaus Wirth, creator of Pascal and Modula-2, has been released (PH, l975). The original book makes use of Modula-2 and offers fresh information on priority...
A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics (Joseph E. Fields)
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A textbook for a "transitions" course is called A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics (GIAM). The Calculus sequence is often followed by the course of a transition (sometimes referred to as a "foundations" or "intro to proofs")...
99 results - showing 1 - 10
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