Mastering STM32 (Carmine Noviello)

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Mastering STM32 (Carmine Noviello)

A step-by-step manual for the most comprehensive ARM Cortex-M platform employing a robust, free development environment based on Eclipse and GCC.

The STM32 platform is perhaps the most extensive ARM Cortex-M platform available, featuring more than 1200 microcontrollers. This book intends to be the first available introduction to ST Microelectronics' intriguing MCU family and its official CubeHAL.

This book is about the ST Microelectronics STM32 family of 32-bit Flash microcontrollers built on the ARM Cortex-M architecture. The book will introduce you to this hardware platform and the official ST CubeHAL in a straightforward and useful manner, demonstrating its functionalities with numerous examples and tutorials.

The book starts by explaining how to set up a complete and completely free software toolchain to build your STM32-based applications, presuming that you are completely new to this family of MCUs. On Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, the installation instructions will make it possible to set up an entire toolchain.

Both professionals and platform enthusiasts, including hobbyists and students, are addressed in the book. The sixteen ST Nucleo-64 boards are the basis for the examples in the book.

Ebook Details

About the Authors
Living in the southern part of Italy, not far from the wonderful city of Naples, is Carmine, a hardware designer and firmware developer.
eBook Format
PDF (852 pages)

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