Ada 95 Reference Manual: Language and Standard Libraries (Tucker S. Taft, et al)

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Ada 95 Reference Manual: Language and Standard Libraries (Tucker S. Taft, et al)

The new International Standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) for the Ada programming language is nearly identical to this Ada 95 Reference Manual.

The extensive technical revisions and extensions described in this manual are the result of widespread Ada community participation and kind funding from eminent institutions. Ada 95 is a fantastic language thanks to the improvements that came from the evaluation of more than 750 revision requests that were submitted. The dependable software engineering capabilities offered and demonstrated for more than a decade by the predecessor version Ada 83 have been enhanced by the flexibility of languages like C++, modern features like object orientation, and improved interfacing capabilities. Additionally, upward compatibility from Ada 83 to Ada 95 has been accomplished.

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