Learn Version Control with Git: A step-by-step course for the complete beginner (Tobias Günther)

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Learn Version Control with Git: A step-by-step course for the complete beginner (Tobias Günther)

A top programmer, web developer, or web designer won't be found without using version control. because it facilitates teamwork and helps you achieve better results.

One of those systems, but not just any, is called Git. Git serves as the preferred version control system for well-known projects like the Linux Kernel, Ruby On Rails, and jQuery. Git is a crucial component of the toolkit used by teams of all sizes all over the world.

This book is a step-by-step manual for beginners. No extensive technical knowledge is necessary to read the book. Instead, it is intended for project managers, designers, and programmers who are new to version control and/or programming.

Ebook Details

Published Date / Year
(2014); Git-Tower.com (HTML, Update Continuously)
136 pages
eBook Format
HTML, PDF, ePub, and Mobi

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