Flight Physics - Models, Techniques and Technologies (Konstantin Volkov)

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Flight Physics - Models, Techniques and Technologies (Konstantin Volkov)

In this book, applied aerodynamics, aircraft propulsion, flight performance, stability, and control are among the foundational disciplines and real-world applications that are combined to study, describe, and analyze aircraft flight.

The book provides an overview of the ideas and procedures used in flight dynamics and discusses the aerodynamic models that describe the forces and moments on maneuvering aircraft.

Computational methods are widely used by practicing aerodynamicist, and the book covers computational fluid dynamics techniques used to improve understanding of the physical models that underlie computational methods.

Ebook Details

About the Authors
Dr. Volkov teaches Thermo fluids as a senior lecturer at Kingston University (London, UK). He is a fluid mechanics Ph.D. Dr. Volkov worked at the University of Surrey, the University of Central Lancashire, and the Baltic State Technical University in Russia following the completion of his Ph.D. (UK). 
Published Date / Year
(February 14, 2018)
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
240 pages
eBook Format
PDF (242 pages) and PDF files
978-953-51-3808-2, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3807-5

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